Urethane + Tape = Sideskirts Installed

Upon my arrival to RD Motorports, Raj accompanied me into the back paint booth to inspect the paint job. The sideskirts were flawless. The total came to exactly $120 CAN for the material and labour.

Later that evening, a few friends and I spent approximately 5 hours installing them onto my car. After giving the car a good wash and a few successful attempts of test fitting, we drilled several holes for the mounting screws.
In the next step, we applied a primer line to where the sideskirts would adhere to the car. Once completed, the side skirts were mounted to their final position on using urethane as an adhesive compound.
Once mounted, we applied physical pressure with high grade masking tape to hold the side skirts in place until the urethane properly cured. According to the instructions, the tape must remain on the car for 12 hours while avoiding 100+ km/hr driving for the next 24 hours.

Unfortunately, I was unable to take any pictures of the car with the complete OEM 337 body kit as the installation ended at approximately 12:15 am. I'll be calling Denon Performance tomorrow to inquire the whereabouts of the OEM 337 exhaust.
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