My First Garden Experience

As I woken up by Dejan on Saturday morning, I noticed that the sun was shining brightly outside. Upon returning from my Audi test drive, I stopped off at a Canadian Tire to pick up a jerry can and some gas for my lawnmower. This was my first opportunity to use the mower since purchasing it last year.
I had spent a lot of time researching the internet for information about lawn care. I found numerous sources which encouraged homeowners to mulch their clippings as it is environmentally friendly. When mulching, the clippings a recirculated inside the cuitting deck. Once recut into fine piece, they are left in the grass behind you. When the clippings decompost, it act as a natural lawn fertilizer.
Several neighbours watched as I rolled out "Big Red" out from the garage. Her flawless paint reflected in the sunlight. Then, I checked her oil levels, primed the fuel... all systems go! I pulled the starter in eagerness... Vroooooom!

I was very impressed with it's 5.75 horsepower Briggs & Stratton rear wheel drive motor. The adjustable throttle allowed me to control the mower easily up the hill leading to my backyard.
A few hours later, I was left with the feeling of self-satisfaction. I never thought that gardening would be so enjoyable. The creative juices were beginning to flow as I have ideas on livening up my yard. I'll have to make a visit soon to Art Knapps and Amsterdam Nurseries to pick up a few shrubs and trees.
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