Did Somebody Say Barbeque?

Each year, a specially select a group of skilled Wolkswagen owners are chosen from the Pacific Northwest. This group has become known to the VW scene as the Elitist Group which strives to maintain a safe, however spirited experience when travelling together to various VW events.
Since the creation of this group, we have proudly kept a clean record which is free of vehicle accidents or personal injuries. For this reason, I believe that it is imparitive that we only invite drivers who are demostrate driver responsiblity, awareness that personal and public safety is first priority, ability to identify awareness of their personal driving skills and vehicle's limitations, while attempting to avoid unneccesary encounters with the police.
Unfortunately the picture below from last year's DCI BBQ doesn't really help.

Over the past years, many outside groups have become quick to acuse our drivers to be unsafe and reckless. I oppose these views as many of those who make these accusations have never been out with us. Unfortunately, due to "glory rumours and tall-tale stories" of our past drives, I have received many inappropriate requests for invitations to join our group. For this year, I made the decision not to add new drivers to the group.

For this year, I will be sporting my MK4 Golf TDI for the first time. Unfortunately, I will be limited in power. But then again, it may be a good thing as it'll keep me from getting any speeding tickets. I'll post a summary/photos following the event! See you all there!
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