Christmas in March!

As I was surfing the Volkswagen Drivers of Vancouver's forums this morning, I my prayers were answered by the VW Gods as a fellow VW enthusiast (Alias: 404) was selling a brand new/unpainted set of OEM Vortex (1st generation) sideskirts. These were the sideskirts which I had initially wanted, but was discontinued in production by Volkswagen in 2004.

An unfortunate setback had occurred in his personal health which forced him to sell his MK4 Tornado Red 1.8T Golf for something a little more practical. He had purchased the sideskirts during a group buy promotion from PG Performace in August 2005 and never had the opportunity to paint/install them on his car.

I'll be sending my new sideskirts to RJ Performance later this week for painting and hopefully have them installed sometime next week. Now I await my OEM 337 exhaust which seems to be taking forever to arrive at Denon Perfomance.
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