Sunday, March 19, 2006

The 2006 Bio-Diesel Forum - Seattle

This was my first opportunity to participate with the TDI Club's drive to Seattle, Washington for the 2006 Bio-Diesel Forum/Convention. I was able to finally put my TDI Golf using biodiesel to the test in some high speed highway driving with my tuner box on maximum settings. I experienced no difference in power, or any motor hestitation. During the trip, my car consumed between 1/8th to 1/4 tank of bio-diesel return to Seattle.

Our eventful day began with the usual 8:15 am meet up with the local members near the Pacific Truck Crossing in Surrey, British Columbia. With the usual minor delays at the border, we managed to arrive in Seattle at approximately 11:30 am. We had initially planned an ETA of 10:30-11:00 am, but was delayed with several unplanned pitstops at a McDonald's and Arby's Restaurant in Bellingham. During our stop at Arby's, one of the members became aware that he had lost his oil cap during the drive. Fortunately, he managed to find a replacement at the local Shuck's Auto Supplies and re-joined the group at the Bio-Diesel Forum.

Upon arriving, I was very surprised on how many TDI vehicles/owners had shown up to support this event. I had a great time meeting new members from as far away as Oregon State. The forum was very informative with gained knowledge about bio-diesel, it's refining processes, and various uses.

I was also unaware that there were judges grading the cars in attendance. As I was taking pictures of some of the unique VW's, I was honoured with the "Best VW Golf Award" at the forum.


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