Fender Rolling & Vag Com Madness!

While working on the fenders, Darren popped by with his lap top computer and VAG diagnostic tool. During my drive home, a check engine light in my car illuminated after spanking the living daylight out of a riced out 2004 Honda Civic Coupe. While waiting at a red light, one of the four Indo-Canadian guys in the car yelled, "Your car is all show and no go!" When the light turned green, I just hammered the gas peddle of my 165 hp, 265 ft-lb of torque TDI and left them behind in a nasty cloud of diesel smoke.
Luckily for me, the VAG scan revealed that a simple warning that I had overboosted my turbocharged motor. With the error code erased, the car was good as new!
It wasn't after Darren's arrival in which I noticed that we had seven tastefully modified Volkswagens parked in front of my house. As we worked on the cars, I noticed many of the passing cars slowed down to take a closer look. At one point, another Volkswagen owner made 8 separate passes in his lowered MK2 1.8L Golf.

Hmmm... I wonder if my neighbours have figured out that I have an addiction to Volkswagens?
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