My Six Day Long Weekend

Like every other day this week, we began discussing our shared concerns about the Norwalk virus which has been circulating within our hospital. For the most part, many admissions and surgeries on our slate have been cancelled in attempts to quaratine/eliminate the spread of the virus. Also many staff have fallen ill with symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, dizziness and upset stomach. A emergency protecol was issued in which any staff presenting with these symptoms are to be sent home until symptom free for 48 hours.
Well... I am sure you can figure out where this story is going. Following the meeting, I returned back to my office to do my routine e-mail check and return phone messages. Within minutes of sitting down, I felt my stomach begin to tie up in knots. "Oh no," I said to myself. As per protecol, my work week came to an abrupt end as I visited our Occupational Health Nurse. She immediately confirmed my symptoms as possible for Norwalk virus. I informed to immediately leave the hospital.
As I drive home, I realized that provided that if my symptoms quickly resolves, I may be able to enjoy a six day long weekend!
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